漢字成語를 英語로
2008.11.23 02:36
漢字成語(한자성어)를 英語(영어)로 塗丁 權相浩 편집 가감승제(加減乘除) Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. 가공망상(架空妄想) An impossible idea; a fanciful opinion. 가내공업(家內工業) House industry. 가사경제(家事經濟) Domestic economy. 가속운동(加速運動) Accelerated motion. 가족온천(家族溫泉) A family hot springs. 가족제도(家族制度) The family system. 가출옥인(假出獄人) A ticket-of-leave man. 가택수색(家宅搜索) A domiciliary search. 가훈(家訓) Home teachings; domestic instruction. 각본작자(脚本作者) A dramatist; a play-wright. 각인각성(各人各姓) Each man with a different clan name. A mixed crowd; a mob. 간난신고(艱難辛苦) A burden; a trial. 간담상조(肝膽相照) To agree from the heart; to be of one mind. 간이생활(簡易生活) The simple life. 간이식당(簡易食堂) A light refreshment room. 간접국세(間接國稅) An indirect national tax. 간접사격(間接射擊) Indirect fire―of guns. 간접선거(間接選擧) Election of electors. 간주(看做) To deem; to consider. 간통(姦通) To have illicit intercourse with; to commit adultery. 간통죄(姦通罪) Adultery. 갈색인종(褐色人種) A brown race. 감각기능(感覺機能) The sensory function. 감각신경(感覺神經) A sensory nerve. 감독관청(監督官廳) The competent authorities. 감독교회(監督敎會) The Episcopal Church. 감상비평(鑑賞批評) A literary criticism. 감언이설(甘言利說) Seductive speeches; flattery. 개과천선(改過遷善) To reform and lead a righteous life. 개인주의(個人主義) Individualism. 경거망동(輕擧妄動) To be rash and inconsiderate. 고식지계(姑息之計) 미봉책(彌縫策). 동족방뇨(凍足放尿). 임시방편(臨時方便).A temporizing plan. 고집불통(固執不通) Obstinate and self-willed. 골동품(骨董品) Curios. 골육상쟁(骨肉相爭) Quarrel between those of the same flesh and blood. 관존민비(官尊民卑) putting government above people. 군자대로행(君子大路行) A wise man never takes a short cut(지름길). A man of virtue always sticks to(충실히 지키다) a great cause(주의. 주장). 금수강산(錦繡江山) Silk-embroidered river and mountains―a name for a beautiful landscape. 금슬지락(琴瑟之樂) The delights of harmony; conjugal felicity. 금시초문(今時初聞) What is heard for the first time. 금은동철(金銀銅鐵) Gold, silver, copper, and iron. 금의환향(錦衣還鄕) To obtain rank and return to one's native district. 기고만장(氣高萬丈) To be arrogant beyond measure. 기진맥진(氣盡脈盡) To lack strength and vigor; to be completely exhausted. 남녀노소<男女老少<. Male and female, old and young. 남녀유별<男女有別<. Distinction between the sexes. 내우외환<內憂外患<. Troubles both at home and abroad. 대동소이<大同小異<하다. To be much alike, yet differing. 동분서주<東奔西走<하다. To rush east and west; to be greatly pressed. 등하불명<燈下不明<. Under the lamp it is not light―seen better by those distant than by those near. 막상막하<莫上莫下<. Nothing better and nothing worse―the same; both alike. 만경창파<萬頃蒼波<. The furrowed sea―the boundless expanse of ocean. 만수무강<萬壽無疆<. Long live―the king. 만장일치<滿場一致<. A bill unanimously passed. 망망대해<茫茫大海<. A vast stretch of water; the boundless ocean. 명승지지<名勝之地<. A beautiful landscape; a site noted for its beauty. 명실상부<名實相符<. To be equal in worth to his name. 명약관화<明若觀火<. Clear as the light. 명철보신<明哲保身<. Shrewd; careful of oneself. 목민지관<牧民之官<. Officers who care for the people―country magistrates. 목불인견<目不忍見<이다. To be unable to bear the sight of. 무궁무진<無窮無盡<하다. To be inexhaustible; to be infinite. 무근지설<無根之說<. Groundless talk; rumors that have no foundation. 무남독녀<無男獨女<. An only daughter―having no brother. 무능력자<無能力者<. A weakling. 무법천지<無法天地<. A lawless world; a place without law. 무변대해<無邊大海<. A boundless sea; the open sea. 무용지물<無用之物<. A useless object. 무용지인<無用之人<. A useless fellow. 무인부지<無人不知<. What is universally known; whom all know. 무인지경<無人之境<. An uninhabited place. 무전여행<無錢旅行<. Traveling without money. 무정세월<無情歲月<. An uncongenial world; a time lacking interest. 무한책임<無限責任<. Unlimited liability. 묵묵무언<默默無言<. Silent, not a word. 문예부흥<文藝復興<. A renaissance. 물물교환<物物交換<. Barter. 물질주의<物質主義<. Materialism. 민간질고<民間疾苦<. Political disturbances; difficulties encountered by the people. 민사재판<民事裁判<. A civil judgment. 민족자결주의<民族自決主義<. Selfdetermination in government. 민주정체<民主政體<. Democracy. 민주제도<民主制度<. The democratic system. 박리다매<薄利多賣<. Small profits but many sales. 박수갈채<拍手喝采<. Applause; cheers. 박학다문<博學多聞<. Wide learning and great experience. 박학다식<博學多識<. Extensive and profound knowledge. 반신불수<半身不遂<. A paralytic―of whom half the body is paralyzed. 반신사진<半身寫眞<. A half-length photograph. 반신초상<半身肖像<. A half-length portrait. 발육부전<發育不全<. Incomplete development. 방방곡곡<坊坊曲曲<. In every street and corner. 방약무인<傍若無人<. As if he had no equal―proud, a conceited fellow. 방어지책<防禦之策<. Plans for defense; protection. 방어포화<防禦砲火<. Defensive fire. 방적공장<紡績工場<. A spinning factory. 방적회사<紡績會社<. A cotton spinning company. 배은망덕<背恩忘德<하다. To cast aside a favor and forget a kindness; to be ungrateful. 배타주의<排他主義<. Exclusivism. 백계무책<百計無策<. A hundred plans without success―impossible. 백골난망<白骨難忘<. What is not to be forgotten while life lasts or until the bones become white. 백과전서<百科全書<. An encyclopedia. 백년가기<百年佳期<. A hundred years happy bond―a marriage contract. 백문불여일견<百聞不如一見<. A thousand hearings are not worth once seeing. Seeing is believing. 백발백중<百發百中<. In a hundred shots a hundred bull's eyes. 백병전<白兵戰<. Hand to hand fighting. 백열전등<白熱電燈<. An incandescent lamp. 번문욕례<繁文縟禮<. Red-tape. 법률고문<法律顧問<. A legal adviser. 법정가격<法定價格<. A legal price. 법정이율<法定利率<. Legal rate of interest. 법학박사(法學博士). A doctor of law; one versed in the science of law. 변태성욕<變態性慾<. A peculiar mind; an ugly disposition. 변태심리<變態心理<. A changeable mind. 보결선거<補缺選擧<. A by-election. 보결시험<補缺試驗<. A special entrance examination. 보안조례<保安條例<. Peace preservation regulations. 보호세율<保護稅率<. A protective tariff. 보호조약<保護條約<. A protective treaty. 복무규율<服務規律<. Public service regulations. 복무연한<服務年限<. A term of public service. 복식호흡<複式呼吸<. Abdominal breathing. 봉건시대<封建時代<. The feudal world; the age of the feudal system. 봉함엽서<封緘葉書<. A sealed letter card. 부대조건<附帶條件<. An incidental matter. 부대청구<附帶請求<. An attendant claim. 부도<不渡<어음. An uncashed draft. 부득요령<不得要領<. Pointless; irrelevant; impertinent; vague. 부자유친<父子有親<. Filial piety and parental love. 부정행위<不正行爲<. Uncertainty; inaccuracy. 부지불식간<不知不識間<에. Unaware; unconsciously. 북극성<北極星<. The North Polar Star. 북두칠성(北斗七星). The seven stars of the Big Dipper. 분골쇄신<粉骨碎身<. Pulverizing the bones and breaking the body; making one's utmost effort. To grid one's bones to powder and break up one's body―as in making a supreme effort. 분할지도<分割地圖<. A topographic chart. 불가사의<不可思議<. What is strange; what is inexplicable; what is beyond reason. 불가항력<不可抗力<. Force-majeure; irresistible force. 불가형언(不可形言). What is beyond description. 불관지사<不關之事<. Matters of no interest or of no importance. 불길지사<不吉之事<. Unlucky affairs. 불량도체<不良導體<. A bad conductor. 불만족<不滿足<. Dissatisfaction; discontent.―하다 To be discontented. 불순종<不順從<. Disobedience.―하다 To be disobedient. 불야성<不夜城<. Nightless city. 불온문서<不穩文書<. Evil tracts; disturbing leaflets. 불의지변<不意之變<. An unexpected misfortune. 불원천리<不遠千里<하다. To be regardless of a thousand li; to not consider distance. 불철주야<不撤晝夜<하다. Never to cease day and night. 불후지공<不朽之功<. Unfading merit. 붕어<崩御<하다. To die―of the King. 비교신학<比較神學<. Comparative theology. 비교종교학<比較宗敎學<. The study of comparative religions. 비구니<比丘尼<. A Buddhist nun. 비난지사<非難之事<. An easy task; something easily done. 비매품<非賣品<. An article not for sale. 비밀결사<秘密結社<. A secret association. 비밀동맹<秘密同盟<. A secret alliance. 비밀문서<秘密文書<. Secret documents. 비밀통신<秘密通信<. Secret correspondence. 비범<非凡<하다. To be uncommon; to be above the vulgar world; to be better than common. 비상소집<非常召集<. An extraordinary call to the colors. 비인격적<非人格的<. Contrary to nature or character. 비일비재<非一非再<. Neither once nor twice; many times; often. 비전투원<非戰鬪員<. A non-combatant. 비평<批評<. Criticism; censure; judgment.―가 A critic.―하다 To criticize; to find fault with; to censure; to condemn. 비행우편<飛行郵便<. Post by aeroplane. 〓항공우편<航空郵便<. 빈민생활<貧民生活<. A life of poverty. 사단법인<社團法人<. A corporate juridical person. 사무인계<事務引繼<. A taking over of business. 사법경찰<司法警察<. The judicial police. 사부합주<四部合奏<. Quartet. 사실주의<寫實主義<. Realism. 사직권고<辭職勸告<. Advice to resign. 사채권자<社債權者<. A debenture holder. 사회공산당<社會共産黨<. Social democrats. 사회연대<社會連帶<. Social solidarity. 사회주의<社會主義<. Socialism; Communism.―자 A socialist. 사후승낙<事後承諾<. An ex-post-facto approval. 산아제한<産兒制限<. Birth control.―주의 The policy of birth control. 삼각함수<三角函數<. Trigonometrical function. 삼단논법<三段論法<. A syllogism. 삼위일체<三位一體<. Three persons in one; the Trinity. 삼척동자<三尺童子<. A child three-feet high; a little child; a youngster. 상급관리<上級官吏<. A superior official. 상비함대<常備艦隊<. A standing squadron. 상선회사<商船會社<. The merchant Vessel Company. 상설위원<常設委員<. A standing committee. 상업부기<商業簿記<. Commercial book-keeping. 상업시대<商業時代<. A commercial era. 상업은행<商業銀行<. A commercial bank. 상업장부<商業帳簿<. A trade book. 상업회의소<商業會議所<. A chamber of commerce. 상하화순<上下和順<. The government and the people are in harmony. 상해보험<傷害保險<. Accident insurance. 상형문자<象形文字<. A hieroglyph. 상호보험<相互保險<. Mutual insurance.―회사 A mutual insurance company. 상호작용<相互作用<. Reciprocal action. 상호조약<相互條約<. A reciprocal treaty. 상호주의<相互主義<. Reciprocity. 생계지수<生計指數<. Cost-of-living index. 생리작용<生理作用<. Matters regulated or acted on in accord with the law of life. 생명보험<生命保險<. Life insurance.―회사 A life insurance company.. 생물학자<生物學者<. A biologist. 생물화학<生物化學<. Biological chemistry. 생산과잉<生産過剩<. Excessive production. 생식기능<生殖機能<. Generative functions. 생존경쟁<生存競爭<. The struggle for existence.―하다 To struggle for existence. 생활수준<生活水準<. A standard of living. 서사<敍事<. Narrative; descriptive. 서술<敍述<. Exposition; description.―하다 To describe. 서양요리<西洋料理<. Western cooking. 선각자<先覺者<. A man of foresight; an old scholar. 선거권<選擧權<. The right to elect; the franchise. 선거운동<選擧運動<. Election canvassing. 선남선녀<善男善女<. Good men and good women. 선인장<仙人掌<. The cactus. 설상가상<雪上加霜<. Frost on the snow,―misfortune on misfortune. 성조기<星條旗<. The stars and stripes―U.S. flag. 세계주의<世界主義<. Cosmopolitanism.―자 A cosmopolitan. 세금<稅金<. Money paid as taxes or duties. 세입세출<稅入歲出<. Yearly income and expenditure. 세포분열<細胞分裂<. Cell division. 소독<消毒<. Counteracting a poison; disinfection.―하다 To counteract a poison; to disinfect. 소비조합<消費組合<. A consumption guild. 속수무책<束手無策<. Without resource. 손익계산표<損益計算表<. A statement of profit and loss. 손해배상<損害賠償<. Compensation for damages; damages. 수력전기<水力電氣<. Hydro-electricity. 수서동물<水棲動物<. An aquatic animal. 수양회<修養會<. A conference for the help of the spiritual life―하다 To cultivate. 수예품<手藝品<. fancy works <articles<. 수입인지<收入印紙<. A revenue stamp. 수학여행<修學旅行<. An educational excursion. 순간연애<瞬間戀愛<. A passing love. 순교자<殉敎者<. A martyr. 시험과목<試驗科目<. Subjects for examination. 식물원<植物園<. A botanical garden. 식물표본<植物標本<. A botanical specimen. 식민정책<植民政策<. A colonial policy. 신경과민<神經過敏<. Nervousness. 신경쇠약<神經衰弱<. Nervous debility. 신경통<神經痛<. Neuralgia. 신문기자<新聞記者<. The editor of a newspaper. A journalist. 신문배달부<新聞配達夫<. A newspaper errand-boy. 신비론자<神秘論者<. Mystics. 신약전서<新約全書<. The complete New Testament. 신용증권<信用證券<. A bill of credit. 신진대사<新陳代謝<. Renewal; replacement; regeneration. 신체검사<身體檢査<. Physical examination. 신출귀몰<神出鬼沒<하다. To divinely appear and vanish demoniacally―supernaturally. 신혼여행<新婚旅行<. A honeymoon tour; a wedding tour. 실내운동<室內運動<. Indoor exercise. 실리주의<實利主義<. Utilitarianism. 실업교육<實業敎育<. Industrial education. 실천윤리<實踐倫理<. Practical ethics. 심리학자<心理學者<. A psychologist. 심장마비<心臟痲痺<. Heart railure; paralysis of the heart. 십이지장<十二指腸<. The duodenum.―충 Anchylostoma duodenale. 쌍무계약<雙務契約<. A bilateral contract. 쌍무계약<雙務契約<. A bilateral contract. 아전인수<我田引水<. Drawing water to one's own mill; seeking one's own interests. 악전고투<惡戰苦鬪<. A fight to a finish.―하다 fight desperately. 안락의자<安樂椅子<. An easy chair. 안면부지<顔面不知<. One whose face is unknown―a stranger. 안식교회<安息敎會<. The Seventh-Day-Adventist Church. 안전제일<安全第一<. Safety first. 안전지대<安全地帶<. A safety zone. 안하무인<眼下無人<. The greatest man in the world―used of conceited persons. 압제정치<壓制政治<. An oppressive government. 애지중지<愛之重之<. To love and prize. 애타주의<愛他主義<. Altruism.―자 An altruist. 야광시계<夜光時計<. A watch with luminous face. 야전포병<野戰砲兵<. Field artillery. 약방문<藥方文<. A medical prescription. 약육강식<弱肉强食<. The stronger prey upon the weaker. 양로보험<養老保險<. Endowment insurance. 양춘가절<陽春佳節<. The pleasant days of springtime. 양춘화기<陽春和氣<. The fragrant air of spring. 어불성설<語不成說<. Words to no purpose. 억조창생<億兆蒼生<. The masses; the people. 언문일치<言文一致<. The unification of the oral and written languages. 언어불통<言語不通<. Unintelligibility of language. 언행일치<言行一致<. Consistency of speech and action.―하다 Words and actions agreeing with each other; conformity of practice and precept. 엄호사격<掩護射擊<. A covering fire. 여행면장<旅行免狀<. A passport. 역설<逆說<. A paradox. 연공가봉<年功加俸<. An additional salary for long service. 연구재료<硏究材料<. Material for research. 연대채무<連帶債務<. A joint debt. 연대책임<連帶責任<. Joint responsibility. 연락부절<聯絡不絶<하다. To be in an unbroken line―of people passing. 연립내각<聯立內閣<. Coalition. 연방제도<聯邦制度<. The federal system. 연애소설<戀愛小說<. A love-story; an erotic novel. 연애지상주의<戀愛至上主義<. The principle of pure love. 연연불망<戀戀不忘<하다. To think ever of; to dream of ever. 연연지정<戀戀之情<. Affection for; a feeling of attachment. 연전연승<連戰連勝<하다. To fight and win in succession. 연전연패<連戰連敗<하다. To fight and be defeated in succession. 연중행사<年中行事<. Rites and ceremonies of the year. 연하우편<年賀郵便<. The New Year's mail. 연합내각<聯合內閣<. A coalition cabinet. 연합함대<聯合艦隊<. Combined squadrons. 열대식물<熱帶植物<. Tropical flora. 열대지방<熱帶地方<. Tropical regions. 염세주의<厭世主義<. Pessimism. 영리사업<營利事業<. A profitable undertaking. 영사관<領事館<. A foreign consulate.―원<員< The staff of a consulate. 영생<永生<. Everlasting life. 영수증<領收證<. A receipt for money, goods, or a letter. 영양부족<營養不足<. Insufficient nutrition. 영양불량<營養不良<. Malnutrition. 영업감찰<營業鑑札<. A business license. 영웅숭배<英雄崇拜<. Hero-worship. 영웅호걸<英雄豪傑<. Noble characters and heroes. 영혼불멸<靈魂不滅<. The immortality of the soul. 예금은행<預金銀行<. A bank of deposit. 예금증서<預金證書<. A deposit receipt. 예금통장<預金通帳<. A deposit pass-book. 예비지식<豫備知識<. Preparatory knowledge―to work for a degree. 오리무중<五里霧中<. Daze; utter bewilderment. 옥내유희<屋內遊戱<. Indoor games. 옥외유희<屋外遊戱<. Outdoor games. 온대식물<溫帶植物<. Flora of the temperate zone. 온혈동물<溫血動物<. A warm-blooded animal. 완충지대<緩衝地帶<. A treaty of neutrality. 왕복엽서<往復葉書<. A return pose-card. 외과수술(外科手術). A surgical operation. 외과의원<外科醫院<. A surgical hospital. 외교방책<外交方策<. Diplomatic policy. 외국사신<外國使臣<. Foreign chiefs of missions. 외래환자<外來患者<. An out-patient. 외출부재<外出不在<. Not at home. 외출시간<外出時間<. Leave time. 우국지사<憂國之士<. Scholars interested in or anxious for the state. 우국지심<憂國之心<. Anxiety for the state. 우상숭배<偶像崇拜<. Idol worship. 우상숭배자<偶像崇拜者<. An idolater. 우승열패<優勝劣敗<. The superior gaining, the inferior losing; the survival of the fittest. 우유부단<優柔不斷<하다. To be irresolute. 우체국장<郵遞局長< A post-master. 운동제구<運動諸具<. Athletic implements. 운송계약<運送契約<. A contract for carrying goods. 운송보험<運送保險<. Transportation insurance. 운수회사<運輸會社<. A transportation company. 운수회사<運輸會社<. A transportation company. 원시시대<原始時代<. The primitive ages. 원예식물<園藝植物<. A garden plant. 원자폭탄<原子爆彈<. An atomic <atom< bomb; an A-bomb. 위급존망지추<危急存亡之秋<. A critical and dangerous moment. 위기일발<危機一髮<. A critical moment. 위조문서<僞造文書<. Counterfeit deeds. 위조지폐<僞造紙幣<. A forged note. 위탁판매<委託販賣<. Sale on commission; a consignment sale. 유가증권<有價證券<. A negotiable instrument. 유구무언<有口無言<. No excuse to offer. 유기화학<有機化學<. Organic chemistry. 유명무실<有名無實<하다. to have the name without the reality. 유명지인<有名之人<. A renowned man; a famous character. 유물론자<唯物論者<. A materialist. 유산계급<有産階級<. Capitalists; the wealthy classes. 유일신교<唯一神敎< Worshippers of one God or one spirit. 유한책임<有限責任<. Limited liability. 유효기한<有효期限<. A term of validity. 육군사관학교<陸軍士官學校<. A military academy. 육법전서<六法全書<. A compendium of laws. 육아원<育兒院<. An orphanage; an asylum for poor children. 윤리학자<倫理學者<. A moral philosopher. 은금보화<銀金寶貨<. Silver, gold, and precious stones. 은둔생활<隱遁生活<. Retired life. 은행지폐<銀行紙幣<. A bank note. 응급치료. Temporary treatment―till physician arrives.―법 Rules of first aid. 응용수학<應用數學<. Applied mathematics. 응용화학<應用化學<. Applied chemistry. 의과대학<醫科大學<. A medical college. 의기양양<意氣揚揚<하다. To be unconquerable―of chivaly etc. 의료기계<醫療器械<. Medical instruments. 의무교육<義務敎育<. Compulsory education. 의미심장<意味深長<하다. To be of profound import. 의식주<衣食住<. Food, clothing and habitation. 의외지변<意外之變<. An unexpected encounter, disaster etc. 의외지사<意外之事<. Unexpected business. 의용군대<義勇軍隊<. A volunteer army. 의처증<疑妻症<. Doubts of his wife's chastity. 의학박사<醫學搏士<. Doctor of Medicine. 의협심<義俠心<. Chivalry; gallantry. 이구동성<異口同聲<. Many voices but all one word―a unanimous voice. 이기주의<利己主義<. Egoism. 이단사설<異端邪說<. Heresy and heterodoxy. 이목구비<耳目口鼻<. Ears, eyes, mouth, and nose―all the faculties. 이복형제<異腹兄弟<. Step brothers and sisters born of different mothers. 이상주의<理想主義<. Idealism. 이율배반<二律背反<. Antinomy.―론 Antinomianism.―론자 An antinomian. 이익배당<利益配當<. Division of profits; payment of dividends. 이중생활<二重生活<. A double occupation―on as a profession and one to live. 이중인격<二重人格<. Two natures―Jekyll and Hyde. 이학박사<理學博士<. Doctor of science. 이해득실<利害得失<. Benefit and harm; advantage or disadvantage. 이해상반<利害相半<. Both gain and loss. 익명투표<匿名投票<. A secret ballot. 인공피임법<人工避妊法<. Means to prevent conception. 인공호흡<人工呼吸<. Artificial respiration. 인과응보<因果應報<. Karma. 인구조사<人口調査<. Census-taking. 인도주의<人道主義<. Humanism. 인류학자<人類學者<. An anthropologist. 인면수심<人面獸心<. Human in face but beastly at heart; a monster. 인사불성<人事不省<. One ignorant of the affairs of the world; an ignoramus. 인습타파<因襲打破<. The destruction of established customs. 인식론<認識論<. Epistemology. 인신공격<人身攻擊<. Personal at tack. 인위도태<人爲淘汰<. An artificial selection. 인조견사<人造絹絲<. Artificial silk. 인조비료<人造肥料<. Artificial manure. 인조상아<人造象牙<. Artificial ivory. 인조진주<人造眞珠<. Artificial pearls. 인종학자<人種學者<. An ethnologist. 인지세법<印紙稅法<. The stamp tax law. 인체모형<人體模型<. An anatomical model of the human body. 일가문중<一家門中<. One clan; one family. 일가화합<一家和合<하다. The whole family being in harmony. 일간신문<日刊新聞<. A daily newspaper. 일거양득<一擧兩得<. Killing two birds with one stone. 일광소독<日光消毒<. Disinfection. by exposure to the sun. 일기예보<日氣豫報<. A weather forecast. 일망타진<一網打盡<하다. To catch in one net; to take all alike. 일목요연<一目瞭然<. Clear at a glance. 일목요연<一目瞭然<. Clear at a glance. 일부다처<一夫多妻<. Polygamy.―주의 Polygamy propaganda.―주의자 A polygamist. 일부일부<一夫一婦<. One husband and one wife.―주의자 A monogamist. 일상생활<日常生活<. Everyday <daily< life. 일언반사<一言半辭<. A single word; but a word. 일용품<日用品<. Daily necessaries. 일자무식<一字無識<. An ignoramus; an illiterate person. 일장춘몽<一場春夢<. Life is like a spring dream. 일정불변<一定不變<. Fixed; immutable. 일조일석<一朝一夕<. Suddenly; all at once. A single day. 임대계약<賃貸契約<. A lease. 임상강의<臨床講義<. A clinical lecture. 임시변통<臨時變通<하다. To make a temporary shift. 임시시험<臨時試驗<. A special examination. 임시열차<臨時列車<. A special train. 임시총회<臨時總會<. An extraordinary general meeting. 임시회의<臨時會議<. Discussions at a special meeting.―소 A place for special meeting. 임종<臨終<하다. To be present at the time of death―as of the death of parents. 임종시<臨終時< The time of death. 임종에 At the point of death. 임차가격<賃借價格<. The value of a lease. 임파선<淋巴腺<. The lymphatic glands. 입신양명<立身揚名<하다. To gain position and name―to get rank. 입추여지<立錐餘地<. Only enough land to stick an awl into. 입학원서<入學願書<. An application for admission―to a school. 입학저금<入學貯金<. School entrance-fee deposit. 입헌정치<入憲政治<. A constitutional government. 자가당착<自家撞着<. The difference between profession and practice. 자격심사<資格審査<. Examining the qualifications of a person―as for office. 자기감응<磁氣感應<. Magnetic action. 자문자답<自問自答<. A soliloquy. 자본주의<資本主義<. Capitausm. 자비<慈悲<롭다. To be compassionate; to be merciful. 자선기금<慈善基金<. A charity fund. 자선단체<慈善團體<. A charity corporation. 자선사업<慈善事業<. Works of charity; kindness; goodness. 자승자박<自繩自縛<. Hoist on one's own petard. 자연과학<自然科學<. Natural science. 자연도태<自然淘汰<. Natural selection. 자연주의<自然主義<. Naturalism. 자웅동체<雌雄同體<. Monoecism. 자웅이체<雌雄異體<. Dioecism. 자위<自慰<하다. To comfort oneself. 자유방임<自由放任<. Non-interference. 자유주의<自由主義<. The principle of freedom. 자자손손<子子孫孫<. Posterity. 자치제<自治制<. Local self government. 자포자기<自暴自棄<하다 To throw oneself violently away; to take to evil courses. 잠재의식<潛在意識<. Perspicacity. 잡수입<雜收入<. Miscellaneous income <receipts<. 자활<自活<하다. To support oneself; earn one's <<own<< living. 자포자기<自暴自棄<하다 To throw oneself violently away; to take to evil courses. 잠재의식<潛在意識<. Perspicacity. 장갑열차<裝甲列車<. An armored train. 재단법인<財團法人<. A foundational juridical person. 재작년<再昨年<. Year before last. 재향군인<在鄕軍人<. Military men in their homes. 저금통장<貯金通帳<. A deposit bank-book. 적도직하<赤道直下<. Directly under the equator. 적수공권<赤手空拳<. Empty hands―having nothing. 적십자사<赤十字社<. The Red Cross Society. 전권대사<全權大使<. An ambassador plenipotentiary. 전기공학<電氣工學<. Electric engineering. 전기시계<電氣時計<. An electric clock. 전기철도<電氣鐵道<. An electric railway. 전성시대<全盛時代<. Time of prosperity. 전송사진<電送寫眞<. A tele-photograph. 전전긍긍<戰戰兢兢<. To tremble from fear; to be extremely careful. 전지요양<轉地療養<. Treatment by change of air. 전화교환국<電話交換局<. A telephone exchange office. 전후곡절<前後曲折<. Origin and result; all the circumstances. 전후좌우<前後左右<. Before and behind; to right and to left. 정기인쇄물<定期印刷物<. Periodicals. 정당정치<政黨政治<. Party politics. 정량분석<定量分析<. Quantitative analysis. 정면공격<正面攻擊<. A frontal attack. 정면진행<正面進行<. Advance. 정무위원<政務委員<. A political committee. 정신검사<精神檢査<. An examination in mental ability. 제국정부<帝國政府<. Imperial government. 제국주의<帝國主義<. Imperialism. 제약회사<製藥會社<. A pharmaceutical company. 제조업자<製造業者<. A manufacturer. 조난신호<遭難信號<. A distress signal; an S.O.S. 존중<尊重<하다. To be esteemed; to be revered. 종교개혁<宗敎改革<. Religious reform; the Reformation. 종군기자<從軍記者<. A military journalist. 종신징역<終身懲役<. Penal servitude for life. 종적부지<종迹不知<. No trace of. 주식회사<株式會社<. A joint stock company. 주주총회<株主總會<. A meeting of shareholders. 중대사건<重大事件<. A matter of great importance. 중립지대<中立地帶<. A neutral zone. 중앙정부<中央政府<. The central government. 중언부언<重言復言<. Reiteration; useless talk. 즉결재판<卽決裁判<. Summary trial <judgment<. 지각신경<知覺神經<. The sensory nerves. 지리멸렬<支離滅裂<하다. To be incoherent. 지리학<地理學<. Geography. 지명사서<地名辭書<. A gazetteer. 지방경찰<地方警察<. Local offices. 지방자치<地方自治<. Local self-government. 직업소개소<職業紹介所<. A labor office. 진퇴양난<進退兩難<. Equally difficult to go backwards or forwards―a dilemma; difficulties. 질서문란<秩序紊亂<. Out of order. 집행유예<執行猶豫<. A sentence requiring the offender to live in one place. 참모본부<參謀本部<. The Headquarters Staff. 참모총장<參謀總長<. The Chief of the General Staff. 참모회의<參謀會議<. A council of war; a war council. 채광공학<採鑛工學<. Mining engineering. 채무이행<債務履行<. Repayment. 채식동물<菜食動物<. Herbivorous animals. 채식주의<菜食主義<. Vegetarianism. 채용시험<採用試驗<. An examination for service. 처방전<處方箋<. A prescription slip. 처세술<處世術<. Savoir-vivre. 천만부당<千萬不當<하다. To be altogether unsuitable; to be entirely inappropriate. 천문대<天文臺<. An astronomical observatory. 천문학자<天文學者<. An astronomer. 천문학자<天文學者<. An astronomer; an astrologer. 천신만고<千辛萬苦<. Many and various hardships and sufferings.―하다 To suffer many hardships. 천진난만<天眞爛漫<하다. To be openhearted; to be straight-forward. 천하대세<天下大勢<. The state of the world; the condition of the Empire. 천하만사<天下萬事<. Ten thousand things―all the affairs of life. 천하명창<天下名唱<. The greatest singer in the world. 천하태평<天下泰平<. The world at peace. 철기시대<鐵器時代<. The iron age. 철두철미<徹頭徹尾<하다. From beginning to end; from first to last; throughout; all along. 철학사상<哲學思想<. Philosophical thought. 철혈재상<鐵血宰相<. The iron chancellor―Bismarck. 청산유수<靑山流水<. Green hills and flowing water―eloquent speech. 청천백일하<靑天百日下<. Under a blue sky and a bright sun―used of taking an oath. 초목금수<草木禽獸<. Plants, trees, birds and animals. 초상화<肖像畵<. A portrait painting.―화가 A portrait painter. 초자연론<超自然論<. Supernaturalism. 초자연적 Supernatural. 최대압력<最大壓力<. Maximum pressure; maximum tension. 최면치료<催眠治療<. Treatment of disease by mesmerism. 최후통첩<最後通牒<. To send an ultimatum. 추가예산<追加豫算<. A supplementary budget; supplementary estimates. 추리력<推理力<. The reasoning power. 추풍낙엽<秋風落葉<. The falling leaves in the autumn wind. 추후지사<追後之事<. Affairs following; what takes place after. 축지법<縮地法<. The magic art of shortening distances by which any length of journey can be undertaken in a day. 출근부<出勤簿<. An attendance-book. 출입구<出入口<. An entrance. 치외법권<治外法權<. Extraterritoriality. 침략주의<侵略主義<. Jingoism; a mind to attack others. 침소봉대<針小棒大<하다. To exaggerate. 침식작용<浸蝕作用<. Erosive action. 탄탄대로<坦坦大路<. A level road. 탐관오리<貪官汚吏<. Grasping officials. 탐험여행<探險旅行<. An exploratory expedition. 태연무심<泰然無心<. To be at perfect peace; to be wholly indifferent. 태평성대<太平聖代<. The reign of peace. 태평세계<太平世界<. The Golden Age. 토지소유권<土地所有權<. Land ownership. 통상조약<通商條約<. A commercial treaty. 통신기관<通信機關<. An organ of communication. 통신판매<通信販賣<. Sales made by correspondence. 통역관<通譯官<. The office of interpretation; a secretary interpreter. 통치권<統治權<. The supreme power; sovereignty.―자 The sovereign. 투표용지<投票用紙<. Voting paper; balloting paper. 특별회계<特別會計<. A special state accountant. 특허<特許<. Special right; patent.―하다 To charter; to specially permit. 특허법<特許法<. The patent law. 파렴치<破廉恥<하다. To be infamous; to be shameless. 판로확장<販路擴張<. Extension of market. 팽창계수<膨脹係數<. The coefficient of expansion. 편의주의<便宜主義<. Opportunism. 편집실<編輯室<. An editorial office. 평균점<平均點<. An average mark. 평등주의<平等主義<. The principal of equality. 평면묘사<平面描寫<. An outside view of a recorded happening. 폐결핵<肺結核<. Pulmonary tuberculosis. 포병공창<砲兵工廠<. A military arsenal. 포복절도<抱腹絶倒<하다. To split one's sides with laughter. 표준어<標準語<. A standard language. 하급생<下級生<. A low class student. 하기휴업<夏期休業<. Summer vacation―of an office etc. 하등품<下等品<. An inferior article. 학과시간표<學科時間表<. A table of lesson hours. 학교장<學校長<. The principal of a school. 학기시험<學期試驗<. School term examinations. 학위수여식<學位授與式<. A commencement ceremony. 학창시대<學窓時代<. The time of study; school days. 합리주의<合理主義<. Rationalism. 합자회사<合資會社<. A joint stock company. 합장배례<合掌拜禮<하다. To worship with the palms of the hands together―as Buddhists. 항공우편<航空郵便<. Post by aeroplane. 항해일기<航海日記<. A journal kept during a voyage; a log-book. 해군장교(海軍將校). A naval office. 해당화<海棠花<. The wild rose. Pyrus spectabilis. 해독제<解毒劑<. An antidote of poison. 해산물<海産物<. The production of the sea; marine products. 해저측량<海底測量<. Soundings of the depth of the sea. 행동거지<行動擧止<. Conduct and behavior; all one's actions. 행상인<行商人<. A peddler; a hawker. 행정감독<行政監督<. Administrative control. 향락주의<享樂主義<. Epicurism; dilettantism. 허명무실<虛名無實<하다. To have an empty name; to lack genuineness; to be vain; to be unreliable. 허무주의<虛無主義<. Nihilism. 허송세월<虛送歲月<. Wasting one's life; passing the time aimlessly. 허영심<虛榮心<. Vanity. 현금거래<現金去來<. A cash transaction. 현모양처<賢母良妻<. A good wife and wise mother. 현미경<顯微鏡<. A microscope. 혈거시대<穴居時代<. The cave dwellers' age. 협력<協力<. Cooperation; association.―하다 To work together; to combine forces. 협상조약<協商條約<. A treaty of commerce. 형사소송<刑事訴訟<. A criminal action.―법 The code of criminal procedure. 형이상학<形而上學<. Metaphysics.―자 A metaphysician. 형이하학<形而下學<. A concrete science. 호구조사<戶口調査<. Census; record of houses and inmates. 호기심<好奇心<. Curiosity. 호적초본<戶籍抄本<. An abstract of a census register. 호흡<呼吸<. Expiration and inspiration; breath; impulse.―하다 To breathe; to respire. 혼혈아<混血兒<. A half-caste. 화장실<化粧室<. A dressing room. 화장실<化粧室<. A water closet. 화재보험<火災保險<. Fire insurance.―회사 A fire insurance company. 화중지병<畵中之餠<. Pictures of bread―useless for food. Pie in the sky. 화필<畵筆<. A drawing pencil; a painter's brush. 화학공업<化學工業<. Chemical industry. 확대경<擴大鏡<. A magnifying glass. 확호불발<確乎不拔<. Firm and immovable; positive and certain. 황금만능주의<黃金萬能主義<. The almighty-dollar principle. 회전반경<回轉半徑<. Radius of gyration. 횡설수설<橫說竪說<. Contradictory speeches; groundless stories. 흔연접대<欣然接待<하다. To treat a guest generously. 흥망성쇠<興亡盛衰<. Prosperity and adversity; vigor and decay. 흥분제<興奮劑<. A stimulant. 흥폐존망<興廢存亡<. Rise or fall; existence or ruin. 명구(名句) 영역(英譯) 君子欲訥於言而敏於行<논어> A wise man doesn't speak rashly(경솔하게), but he acts his part speedy. A wise man may stammer(stutter) in speaking, but he is quick in action. 千里之行半於九十<전국책> Well begun is half done. 靑出於藍而靑於藍 氷生於水而寒於水<순자> Blue comes form indigo, but is bluer. Ice comes from water, but is coller. A pupil excels his master. 天下之難事必作於易 天下之大事必作於細<한비자> A difficult matter in the world necessarily begins easily, a great task in the world certainly begins in a little thing. 福生於淸儉德生於卑退<명심보감> Happiness arises in honesty(clean-hand), virtue arises in modesty. 他山之石可以攻玉<시경> Small words and actions of others is good for my action training.