

 品 名:杜忠誥書藝精選
 編 號:H01-H03
 類 別:藝術精品
 說 明:「書法」為中華文化獨創特有的藝術,以筆、墨、硯、紙為工具,運用行筆的快慢扭轉、書體的方圓、字間行距的鬆緊、墨色的濃淡乾濕形塑而成。從形象藝術的角度看,它是繪畫,因為它能以豐富多姿的形象感動人心;以抽象藝術的角度來看,他又是音樂,因它能顯示出如音樂般和諧的節奏與旋律;就實用的角度來看,它則是文字、語言的具體呈現。天使美術館成立宗旨為〝藝術生活化〞與〝生活藝術化〞,建構藝術家與社會大眾間多元化的展示平台。其有感於電腦科技的發達,讓時下現代人每天坐在電腦前工作、收發E-MAIL,人與人之間溝通不再親自寫字、寄卡片,對於中華民族既有的國粹---「書法」也漸漸疏離,故特別精選當代華人書法名家---杜忠誥之代表性書法藝術作品設計成萬用卡禮盒,推廣給國內外企業與消費大眾選用。値得一提的,每張萬用卡書法內容均是雋永優美、或發省人生之詞句,搭配現代視覺設計與不同特殊印刷效果,讓寄件者與收件者均能感受到「現代與傳統」並存之美,整套包裝禮品兼具送禮、傳遞訊息、推廣書法藝術、教化人心等功能。 “Calligraphy” is an art form original to Chinese culture, consisting of the twists and turns of brush movement in different speeds, the angular or rounded styles of writing each character, the tightness or looseness of line and character spacing, the ink application of different shades or wetness, created with the four tools of brush, ink, ink-slab, and paper. From the perspective of graphic art, calligraphy is like painting, as it touches people’s hearts with the richness of images; from the perspective of abstract art, it is like music, producing harmonious rhythms and melodies; from a practical perspective, it is a tangible presentation of text and language. The founding philosophy of Angel Art Gallery is to build a diverse display platform between artists and the general public -- “bring art into people’s lives, and make daily living artistic.” With the advances in technology, people of today spend too much time working in front of the computer, typing e-mails and forgetting the more human methods of communication such as putting pen to paper writing cards. We have also become distant to calligraphy, an invaluable cultural treasure of the Chinese people. In order to rectify the sad situation, we designed this greeting cards gift set from some select works of calligraphic art by the contemporary master Tu Chung-Kao, to promote the art form among international and local businesses and the general consumers. It is worth mentioning that the textual content of each all-purpose calligraphy card is chosen for their beautiful, poetic or philosophical meaning. Together with the modern design and special printing effect, the overall package conveys to both senders and recipients a sense of the contemporary and traditional in wonderful coexistence. It is a gift set that delivers a message, promotes the art of calligraphy and educates, but all done in the most elegant taste.
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