
Content Translation for the Owner of my Work

작품 소장자를 위한 내용 번역

Content Translation for the Owner of my Work

- Korean Calligrapher Sangho Kwon

同舟共濟(동주공제) 같은 배를 타고 함께 강을 건너가자.

同(Dong): same

舟(Ju): boat

共(Gong): together

濟(Je): cross

“Crossing a River in the Same Boat” - “Let’s build a Brighter Future Together.”

遠行以衆(원행이중) 멀리 가려면 함께 가라.

遠(Won): far

行(Haeng): go

以(E): with

衆(Jung): many people

“If you want to go Far, Go With Many people.” - “If you go alone, you can go fast, but if you want to go far, you need to go together with the wisdom of many people.”

同心協力(동심협력) 마음을 같이 하여 힘을 내어 서로 돕자.

同(Dong): same

心(Sim): mind

協(Hyeop): join

力(Ryeok): forces

“Let's Join Forces with the Same Mind.” - “Let's help each other with the same mind.”

共存共榮(공존공영) 함께 존재하고 함께 번영하자.

共(Gong): together

存(Jon): exist

共(Gong): together

榮(Yeong): glory

“Let's Exist Together and have Glory Together.” - “Let's manage together and grow together.”

美夢成眞(미몽성진) 아름다운 꿈 진실로 이루소서.

美(Mi): beautiful

夢(Mong): dream

成(Seong): achieve

眞(Jin): truly


“I hope you Achieve your Beautiful Dream with Truth.” - “I hope you achieve everything you want.”

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