동방문화대학원대학교 서예지도자과정

BBC Four - The Secret History of Writing

 (55) BBC Four - The Secret History of Writing – YouTube


3시간에 걸친 미밀스런 서예사(글쓰기의 역사)

How the invention of writing gave humanity a history. From hieroglyphs to emojis, an exploration of the way in which the technology of writing has shaped the world we live in played in three consecutive parts.

1. From Pictures to Words - 00:00

2. Words on a Page - 59:03

3. Changing the Script - 1:57:57

1:04:30 - papyrus maker

1:26:30 - 중국 종이와 印出(인출) 그리고 사침안정법

1:32:50 – Samarkand 종이


Alphabet: The Story of Writing

pt. 1 and 2 by Donald Jackson


Alphabet: The Story of Writing by Donald Jackson (1980).The first two parts cover letter forms up to the fourteenth century. Donald Jackson makes reed pens (part one) and quill pens 깃촉펜 (part two) and demonstrates증명한다 their influence on letter forms편지양식. Part two also features시연한다 a demonstration of the art of illuminating조명.

Part I: The making of letters

After an introduction and shots of lettering on various different kinds of signage표지 the film goes back in time and discusses the development of letterforms글자형태 including: ·

Cave paintings동굴벽화, clay tablets점토판, and wax tablets밀랍판 · Hieroglyphics상형문자 · Papyrus · The reed pen · The origins of the alphabet · Roman inscriptions로마자 표기()


Part II: The pen is mightier than the sword

Focuses on manuscript production원고 제작 from the end of the Roman Empire including:

· The dark ages the Book of Kells9세기초에 완성된 라틴어 복음서· Development of lowercase소문자 · The quill pen · Using gold leaf · Making ink · Illumination(사본 따위의) 채식(彩飾) (무늬)

Produced and directed by Jeremy Bennet.

Calligrapher: Donald Jackson.

Narrator: Susannah York.



2:40 표현의 욕구. 진흙. 왁스 노트.

7:20 메소포타미아

12:10 파피루스지와 갈대붓 만들기

21:00 알파벳의 전래

24:20 brush로 쓰기와 돌에 새기기

29:00 - 2

58:00 A 자를 다양한 서체로 쓰기



